Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just a TIP....

(In case I am not the last person on earth to hear of this...)
So a few weeks ago Olivia had a cold. It was not fun for any of us in the house. I always feel so bad because their just isn't much, if anything at all that I can give to her. Well a lady friend at church gave me a great tip that I thought I would pass on.
She said, instead of putting Vicks on her chest... put it on the bottom of her feet (for those of you that don't know, your feet have the largest pores on them.) and then cover them with socks when she goes to bed. Well we tried it and it worked GREAT for Olivia. She slept better, I slept better, and the count down to spring is only 20 more days (more like 60 where I live).


Fab Five said...

I think I might have heard of that but I'll have to try it. Tip officially mentally stored :)

Jen said...

You can also try snake oil on the palms of her hands with gloves on... Twirl her around 3 times for it to work.

Des said...

THANKS. I'll remember it. I've heard of putting certain things on your feet work well. Glad to know about this. We love vapor rub- Jack just loves the smell and message. I recently bought the "baby" vicks and didn't like it at all= well the smell is just funky and isn't it all about the smell? I'm sticking to the regular (oh I don't mind the "baby rub" either.)

The Jackson Three said...

Winter cannot be over soon enough. And I love the Vicks on the feet trick - use it all the time.

And the pics in the previous post are daring! Getting a picture of both kids looking and smiling is impossible - I'm sure of it!

Gingerlylizzy said...

We tried that with Grant last week (again)... nothing. I tried it a couple months ago on myself and it didn't work either... guess we are not the lucky ones!